To idealize is to dehumanize


"To idealize is to dehumanize." In many ways, social media has done just that...dehumanized individuals and relationships. The "look at how wonderful my life is" platform of social media leaves many people struggling in silence. In a futile attempt to measure "down" to destructive and impossible standards, couples privatize their problems and hide behind a veneer of perfection and happiness. The force that maintains this facade is shame. The insulated couple wonders..."Are we the only ones wrestling with this?" or "What is wrong with us?" or "What would others think if they knew?" The unfortunate result is disconnection, isolation, and loneliness...both within couples and between couples. Secrecy and self-sufficiency trump honesty and interdependence. The antidote is vulnerability. Why? Because it takes courage and confidence to reveal oneself and be truly seen and known by another...and others. The path to connection requires risk and truth telling. We are human, and we are flawed...and we all struggle. If individuals and couples were more real with one another, we could use our struggles as vehicles for connection and growth...and love each other anyway.